The advanced supervisor workshop is designed for MST clinical supervisors from licensed MST programs who have been in the MST supervisor position for six (6) months or more.  MST supervisors can attend the workshop every year if they desire. The workshop is also open to MST program managers from licensed MST programs, as relevant.

Each training, a different topic is addressed, within one or more of the following three areas of responsibility for supervisors: group supervision, clinician development, and Program CQI Management (which includes community collaboration, personnel issues, Quality Assurance, and Continuous Quality Improvement). Typically, the workshop topics will rotate between these three areas of responsibility over the years.



To register for a training, please click on the Online Registration Sites tab for a list of locations and dates available for online registration. Please click on the Other Training Sites for a list of other available U.S. and International locations. For questions, please click on the Contact person listed under each training.


Atlanta, Georgia

Tuesday, March 4 - Wednesday, March 5, 2025 (Host: MSTS)