Webinar Overview

Basic Training
This basic training session is geared toward any new user of the MSTI web site. Use of case enrollment, discharge, TAM and SAM forms will be demonstrated in this session. This training is recommended for all user levels and reviews the fundamental functions of the website.

Managing Users
This session, for organizational system managers, supervisors, and consultants, will review functionalities only available to those user levels. Issues including the management of users, user access, transferring cases and adding and deleting staff accounts will be covered.

Program Management and Performance Reports
This session is geared toward organizational system managers, supervisors and consultants. The reports used to monitor caseloads, the MST Census and MST Caseload reports; the one used to monitor outcomes, the MST Case Discharge Summary Report; and those used to monitor overall program performance, including the MST PIDR Summary Report, the Program Implementation Data Report, and the Dashboard, will be reviewed. Assistance in interpreting these reports will also be provided.

Therapist Adherence Reports
This session is for organizational system managers, supervisors and consultants. Reports used to monitor therapist adherence that are available on the MSTI web site will be reviewed in this session. Assistance in interpreting these reports will also be provided.

All webinars listed above provide users with training on how to use various areas of the MSTI web site (https://www.msti.org/). Some webinars are recorded and others require registration for a live webinar. Live webinar session times are posted in the Eastern Time Zone.

To download the related MSTI Web Site Training Guides, please visit:https://msti.org/mstinstitute/services/training.html