All new MST-PSYCH therapists, crisis case workers, supervisors, psychiatrists, psychiatric nurse practitioners, and selected related staff and partners receive two days of training to be introduced to the evidence-based treatment strategies and techniques used in the MST-PSYCH treatment model. The training includes didactic teaching, role-playing and other exercises designed to develop skills used in the treatment process. This training is designed to prepare MST-PSYCH teams to begin using these techniques with children and their families, within the context of MST-PSYCH.


Attendance requirements:

  •  All clinical team registrants must be part of a licensed MST-PSYCH team and have previously attended an MST Orientation training. In addition, all registrants must be registered on the MST Institute (MSTI) website and must be pre-approved to attend the training from their MST-PSYCH Consultant/Expert prior to registering. 
  • Any additional persons attending must be approved 14 days in advance of the first day of training by the MST Services Coordinator.
  • A wait list may be maintained for each training. If a wait list exists, it must be cleared 14 days prior to the first day of training. Clearing includes either filling unconfirmed reservations or reassigning the waiting trainee to the next available training.


To register for a training:

To register for a  2-Day MST-PSYCH Orientation Training, please click on the Online Registration sites tab for a list of locations and dates available for online registration. Please click on the Other Training Sites tab for a list of other U.S. and international locations.

Please note that all registrants for the 2-Day MST-PSYCH Orientation Training must be a part of a licensed MST-PSYCH team (i.e. a clinical team member, related staff, or close working partner such as a case worker from Child Protective Services). See attendance requirements above. For information on how to become a licensed team, please contact or (843) 856-8226.

The goals of the training are as follows:

This training introduces the knowledge base and processes needed to implement the MST-PSYCH model and the skills and competencies MST-PSYCH therapists need for such implementation. The objectives of the 2Day MST-PSYCH Orientation Training are to:

  • To be able to identify risks for youth, caregivers, and the broader ecology for suicidal and homicidal behaviors.
  • Be prepared to assess risk of self-harm/suicidality, aggression/homicidality. 
  • Approach safety concerns and intervene, systemically, through application of the MST Analytic  Process, while following the Nine Principles. 
  • Be familiar with the MST Safety Checklist and will be prepared to implement the MST Safety Checklist with Families.
  • Be able to generate safety plans and practice creating safety plans that include psychiatric factors.
  • Be able to monitor and track safety plans and have the skills needed for assessing and revising safety plans.
  • Be able to identify, document, and report on mental health symptoms. 
  • Be able to accurately identify psychiatric symptoms
  • Be able to perform and accurately record a mental status
  • examination
  • Be able to identify and describe symptoms of mania, psychosis and
  • alcohol withdrawal
  • Be able to participate in consultation with the MST-P Psychiatrist


Training reservations & cancellations:

  • Program sites anticipating hiring of new staff may reserve slots in advance for a training that best fits with the hiring schedule.
  • As personnel are hired, the program site manager must assure that the Trainee is properly registered on the MSTI website and on the training website. The MSTI website will serve to verify the eligibility of the trainee.
  • As trainees are formally registered, advance preparation material will be shipped directly to the trainee or to the person designated on the registration form. Trainees are expected to read all suggested readings in advance of training. Trainees cancelling after materials have been shipped are subject to a $100 cancellation fee.
  • Trainees cancelling within seven days are subject to a $50 cancellation fee (if materials have not been shipped).
  • Reserved slots not confirmed within 10 days of the first day of training are subject to cancellation.
  • Due to potential low enrollment, training sites reserve the right to cancel trainings no later than two weeks prior to the training start date. Before making any travel arrangements, confirm your training has not been cancelled by contacting the contact person listed for the location in which you are planning to attend. If a training is cancelled, the training coordinator will assist in finding the next available training.